“We will conserve and enhance the beauty of our natural environment, and make sure it can be enjoyed, used by and cared for by everyone.”
A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment, p28 (DEFRA, 2018)
Local authorities
Securing and improving off-road walking, cycle and horse riding access can enhance residents’ lives and visitor experiences. It can be achieved at a low cost compared to more highly engineered solutions on or adjacent to roads, and be a visible outcome of local monies, whether from Council Tax, Section 106 planning obligations or other.
Whether to satisfy local policies or national guidance, such as the National Planning Policy Framework or the Transport Decarbonisation Plan, public off-road non-motorised access can play a leading role to enhance the quality of people’s lives. Jon Perks Associates is familiar with statutory and non-statutory forms of access and can help you to:
propose strategies to improve your local off-road access network
support review of strategic documents, such as your Local Plan or Rights of Way Improvement Plan
engage with your local communities to identify local access needs
undertake condition surveys, also use and demand surveys, and recommend enhancements to improve routes
negotiate public path creation agreements with landowners to extend local networks
design schemes to deliver easy-to-use access for residents and visitors.