“It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.”
Robert Louis Stevenson
Jon Perks has been managing Public Rights of Way for over 20 years. As Principal Rights of Way Officer for West Sussex County Council he was responsible for ensuring day-to-day availability of over 4,000km of public rights of way plus other public access opportunities.
Jon’s role at West Sussex County Council (WSCC) involved:
engaging with stakeholders, such as private individuals, planning authorities, government organisations including Natural England and the Environment Agency
delivering maintenance and improvement works, including new bridges and surfacing
resolving arising issues, often involving change in land use or management
assessing and effecting legal changes to the network, mainly diversion proposals but occasional extinguishments too
managing a team, its service and budget.
Jon can also offer knowledge and experience of Definitive Map processes, Public Path Orders, stakeholder liaison and policy development.
Jon has been a Full Member of the Institute of Public Rights of Way Officers (IPROW) since 2002 and holds a BSc (Open) in addition to an HND in Countryside Management. He has chaired the ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport) South East Rights of Way Managers Group including representing the Group at ADEPT national Rights of Way meetings.
Public Rights of Way is often a contentious and emotive subject. Jon is accomplished in writing clear reports and delivering presentations, as when submitting and presenting reports to county councillors and the public at WSCC's Public Rights of Way Committee; or to various local and regional stakeholders including access amenity groups and the West Sussex Local Access Forum.
In addition Jon has been a parish councillor for four years, chairing his council's Neighbourhood Plan Working Group and Local Plan Working Party, and otherwise supporting his local community; and for recreation enjoys mountain biking, geocaching and scuba diving.